member member n. 会員, メンバー; 議員. 【動詞+】 address members of Congress 国会議員に向かって演説する They admit new members only once a year. 新会員は年に 1 回だけ入会を許される Who appoints the members of the board? その理事会
core core n. 芯(しん); 核心. 【動詞+】 extract a core 芯を抜き取る It forms the core of all the questions pending between Japan and the US. それが日米間のあらゆる未解決問題の中核をなしている The criticism has its core of tru
core to 《be ~》~に中核的{ちゅうかくてき}である The company is outsourcing elements that are not core to its business. 会社は業務に中核的でない部分をアウトソーシングしている。
to the core 心底{しんそこ}まで、徹底的{てってい てき}に Even his own attorney felt that the defendant was evil to the core. 被告の弁護士でさえ、彼は心底から悪人だと思った。
i was a core member of the reconstruction project 再生プロジェクトの 主要メンバーだった。
this was made possible by masanosuke sufu , who appointed kogoro , who wished to study abroad as a core member of the domain . これはまず周布政之助が留学希望の小五郎を藩中枢に引き上げた。
kogoro then appointed zoroku murata (masujiro omura ), who was versed in dutch and english , as a core member of the domain . 次いでオランダ語や英語に通じている村田蔵六(大村益次郎)を小五郎が藩中枢に引き上げた。
his brother moroyasu ko was also militarily successful by defeating yoshisada nitta and akiie kitabatake and participated as a core member of the bakufu . 兄弟の高師泰も新田義貞、北畠顕家を討つなど軍事的功績を挙げ、幕府の中枢に参画するようになる。
as a result of the negotiation , on january 14 , 1865 , kounsai takeda and other core member of tenguto decided that it is meaningless to try to move further . 交渉の結果、1865年1月14日(元治元年12月17日)、武田耕雲斎ら天狗党幹部はこれ以上の進軍は無意味と判断した。
after he had returned to japan , he joined and became a core member of society for the study of social policy , and taught as a professor of tokyo imperial university until 1925 . 帰国後は社会政策学会 (日本 1897年)に参加しその中心メンバーになるとともに、東京帝国大学にて1925年まで教授を務めた。
establishing his position as a core member of the attendants to the retired emperor , narichika always accompanied the emperor in imayo (a popular style of song in heian period ) and kumano mode (visits to kumano ). 院近臣の中核としての地位を確立した成親は、後白河の好む今様の宴や熊野詣に常に付き従った。
he was assigned to gyobu no taifu (senior assistant minister of justice ) in 1870; subsequently he became a core member of the meiji government as sangi (councillor ) and drafted shinritsu koryo (outline of the new criminal code ). 1870年(明治3年)には刑部大輔となり、続いて参議として明治政府の中枢に経ち新律綱領編纂にあたた。
he established his position based on the economics and social policies he studied in germany; he joined and became a core member of society for the study of social policy (of japan , in 1897 ) after he returned from germany . ドイツにて修得した経済学、社会政策の立場に基づき、帰国後社会政策学会 (日本 1897年)に参加して中心メンバーとなった。